It's been almost a year since the game has been open! Lately, I've been going over the game and trying to think of how we can continue improving and making the game an enjoyable experience for everyone. If you have any feedback, I'd like to hear from you. Positive and negative feedback are welcome, as well as ideas for tweaks on the theme or policies. Feel free to @mail staff.
Speaking reflection, I have done some of my own already, and there will be some minor changes coming up soon:
1.) We will move servers and run TinyMUSH instead of PennMUSH. The move will mean a cleaner code-base with some new code you guys have been asking for. The date is TBA, somewhere in the near future - I'll let you know when. All active characters have been copied over already, so no need to worry about losing anything.
2.) Two new staffers are going to help out, Hermia and Puck. Hermia will be a code staffer and Puck will be a roleplay and building staffer.
3.) The website will consequently switch to ONLY the wiki (
4.) Many of the news files are in the process of being updated; I will post exactly which were tweaked when I'm done. Nothing major should change, but explanations should hopefully become a bit clearer.
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